Personal Financial Planning Services

Long-term Risk Planning
Long-term assurance covers risks applicable to your body, such as death, disability or contracting a severe illness. This is done through life cover, funeral cover, lump sum disability, income protection, sickness cover and severe illness cover. We avoid products which mix assurance and investments in order to maintain flexibility and transparency and to reduce costs.

Personal Short-Term Insurance Risk Planning
Short-term insurance covers risks to your assets such as fire, theft and accidental damages. Most assets can be covered. Assets such as motor vehicles, houses and personal items are insured through any of our mainline short-term insurers. We also offer specialist short-term insurance services, such as marine, event, art and professional indemnity insurance.

Investment Planning
The majority of investment planning is done through collective investment schemes (commonly known as unit trusts) and tax-free savings accounts. Endowment structures are used for tax purposes for high net worth individuals. Where flexibility is required, asset managers are used. Where explicit guarantees are required, long-term assurers are utilised. The vast majority of investment products carry no penalties for early withdrawal. Many traditional insurance products are strictly avoided due to high costs, inflexibility, poor transparency and poor fund availability.

Retirement Planning
Retirement annuities are ideal vehicles for long term saving vehicles due to favourable tax treatment and protection. Wherever possible, only asset managers are utilised where premiums can be altered at any time without penalties. Preservation funds are used to preserve withdrawn pension and provident monies prior to retirement. For retiring clients we conduct a comprehensive assessment to best structure a solution to meet clients’ needs.

Healthcare Planning
Medical schemes are utilised to cover the financial risk of hospitalisation, day-to-day cover and chronic conditions. Basic, restricted hospital plans right up to fully comprehensive plans are offered. Medical insurance is for entry-level cover or to top up existing medical scheme cover.

Estate Planning
A will is one of the most important documents you will ever sign. It is very important that you have recorded your wishes so that assets are distributed in accordance with your wishes and that your final wishes are respected. For large estates, correct estate planning is also important to minimise potential estate duty payable.
Corporate Financial Planning Services

Retirement Planning
Pension and provident funds are used for larger employers to look after the retirement funding needs of staff members. For smaller employees, group retirement annuities are used as they offer better transparency, cost structures and flexibility.

Long-Term Risk Planning
Group life assurance, funeral cover, lump sum disability, income protection and severe illness cover are all used to provide benefits to staff members, protect the business from financial liabilities, improve the value of employees packages and treat staff members in an ethical manner..

Commercial Short-Term Insurance Planning
A variety of risks require cover in the commercial environment. Buildings, vehicles, equipment, inventory, stock-in-transit, cash, business interruption, public liability, employer liability and a number of other risks can all be covered.

Healthcare Planning
Medical schemes are usually used to offer employees healthcare benefits. Low cost medical insurance can be used to cover basic healthcare needs for blue-collar workers.

Business Assurance
Buy-and-sell agreements, key-person assurance, contingent liability cover and preferred and deferred compensation schemes are all offered to reduce the financial risks of a business owner, employee, creditor or debtor dying or becoming disabled.

Corporate Investment
Collective investments and company owned policies are used for short-term cash flow needs or for longer-term savings for future dated projects.